Sweden's broadest truly independent newspaper

tisdag 18 februari 2025

tisdag 18 februari 2025

The Swedish face of the QAnon movement

  • Until recently, she was a video blogger for the mainstream media conglomerate Bonnier's press – now she describes herself as one of only three people in Sweden who make up what she calls the "alternative-alternative movement".
  • The movement suggests that Donald Trump is going to "save the world" with military power, partly with the help of the infamous leader of the globalist network World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab.
  • Since her recent emergence as a public figure, she has primarily become known for systematically seeking conflict with a wide range of critics of the system.
  • Meet Cornelia Gustafzon, who represents the so-called "Q movement" in Sweden.
publicerad 26 september 2023
– av Isac Boman
Cornelia Gustafzon appears against the imposed background in "Cornelia Unfiltered".

46-year-old Cornelia Gustafzon has a background as a financial strategist, a corporate advisor, as a company analyst for the Swedish Shareholders Association (Aktiespararna) and as a video blogger for media giant Bonnier’s financial magazine Veckans affärer. Gustafzon also runs a sole proprietorship for investment advice and is the founder and CEO of the company Corfind, which according to its own description ”helps publicly listed companies with capital raising, finding new shareholders, and marketing”.

About three years ago, Gustafzon began to engage politically as an opinion leader, on Facebook and other social media but also as a writer on the alternative news site Bladet. She is the founder of Make Sweden Great Again, which, according to her own description, is a ”community for everyone who loves Sweden”, an opponent to globalist initiatives and state repression, and, as they describe it, aims to ”work for a new administration that puts Sweden’s population at the center”.

”We cherish democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and human rights”, they declare.

The Q movement and the ’white hats’

At first glance, Gustafzon appears to be just any social critic who happens to discuss valid criticism, especially against the high-profile financial dynasty Wallenberg, the banking system at large, and the pharmaceutical industry. Another concept that Gustafzon frequently returns to, perhaps more than any other, is ”the deep state”.

She is a devoted follower of the so-called QAnon movement, also known as the Q movement, which has previously been highlighted on Nya Dagbladet Analysis and which, in brief terms, revolves around a conspiracy theory that former US President Donald Trump, along with American intelligence and military, is working to carry out a so-called sting operation. This resistance movement under Trump’s leadership are the ”white hats”, who aim to clean up the deep state and restore democracy. Corrupt world leaders will in connection with this be arrested and convicted for crimes against humanity, and according to the narrative presented, a global debt cancellation will also occur when the revolution is complete.

 We have been given the manual by Q so that we don’t fall for all these lies. We will not fall for this game, we know that there is a plan and that it is being followed. The plan is to expose the deep state, to wipe out the deep state as Trump promised, she declares.


QAnon flag. Photo: Anthony Crider/CC BY 2.0

Trump rules the US as ”war president”

According to Gustafzon and the Q movement, the eradication of the deep state will happen ”militarily”, and here Trump is supposed to play the decisive role along with the white hats. When or how this is supposed to happen is somewhat unclear, but various insinuations have been made within the Q movement on many occasions for example, that a coup would take place in conjunction with the latest presidential inauguration in the USA in January 2020, which Nya Dagbladet reported on at the time. According to Gustafzon, Donald Trump has actually already carried out the revolution and become the Commander-in-Chief of the American military, while Joe Biden’s presidency has been set up as a mere facade. According to her, Trump is in fact running the country as a military dictatorship for some time now, something that is however kept secret due to a sophisticated power play that is going on behind the scenes.

I believe we have military legislation, that it’s a state of emergency, and that he is a war president. It’s the military that governs the USA, says Gustafzon in a conversation with Nya Dagbladet.

”Trust the plan”

According to Gustafzon and the Q movement in general, other oppositional actors of various kinds are better off sitting still in the boat and ”trusting the plan” a slogan that is constantly repeated. Active engagement for positive change, such as taking to the streets and squares to demonstrate against those in power, is something Gustafzon considers negative as demonstrations are organized by ”the controlled opposition”.

”I have been against demonstrations all along because they are organized by the controlled opposition in order to ridicule us who are the real opposition”, she writes on Facebook.

Photo: faksimil/Facebook

”The real opposition”

The only ”real opposition” in Sweden, aside from herself, Gustafzon believes, consists of the two vloggers Martin Stensö and Carl Norberg. She describes this trio as the ”alternative alternative movement”.

Carl Norberg says in a comment to Nya Dagbladet that he shares this view, if by this one means public figures in Sweden.

If you look in terms of visibility, then you could say that. We do different things; she mostly focuses on managing alternative media, and she is good at it.

Norberg describes the common denominator among the three as addressing the monetary mechanics in the banking and monetary system, specifically ”the debt saturation problem and the presence of the interest component in the currency”.

Martin Stensö says in a corresponding comment that he doesn’t think Gustafzon is wrong to generalize the matter in that way, but that he himself has a slightly broader view of what constitutes real opposition in Sweden beyond the three.

I probably see it a bit more positively, that there are more people trying to influence in their own way, says Stensö, mentioning the YouTube channel Frantz & Stål as an example.

Klaus Schwab an ”enemy of the deep state”

Compared to the general system-critical environment that has emerged in Sweden, there are several clear dividing lines in the narratives Gustafzon promotes. One example is her view on the globalist power network World Economic Forum and its notorious leader Klaus Schwab, who according to Gustafzon should be seen as an ”enemy of the deep state” and a partner to the ”white hats”. Secretly, she believes, Schwab is working to expose the dominant power – a theory based on the fact that he is ”too visible”.

If it’s mainstream to hate Klaus Schwab – if it’s quite obvious that he’s part of the deep state when he exposes the deep state. The deep state and Wallenberg have always had the motto of acting without being seen – but Klaus Schwab does nothing but be seen. He exposes the whole thing. The deep state can’t like that, can they? So, he must be against the deep state; he can’t be my enemy, at least, she clarifies in a video clip.

Even the Bonnier Group has now, without knowing it, received a ”stranglehold” from the white hats and become part of an ”educational project”, just like Klaus Schwab.

They were forced to become part of the educational project, she explains. They only get directives but they don’t know from whom, Gustafzon adds, stating that the current directive the Bonnier Group has from higher-ups is ”more truth – contradictory messages”.

She also emphasizes that, according to her, it is important to always think ”contrary to the alternative movement”, which is why she also supports the introduction of a digital central bank currency, a planned technocratic system currently being developed by the world’s central banks, as previously covered on NyD Analysis.

Strong opinions are also put forth about the controversial mRNA vaccines, which Gustafzon believes contain no mRNA at all. She also claims that 5G does not exist – and therefore cannot cause any harmful radiation.

I have spoken with many people and they say that the circuit boards are burning. It’s too strong. They haven’t gotten the technology to work that way. There isn’t even 5G in the phones, she claims.

Ultra-globalist Klaus Schwab. Photo: WEF/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Systematic defamation

A recurring talking point for Gustafzon is that she wants to ”awaken people and unite them with truth and love”. Yet, she has become most noted for her extensive conflicts with opposition-oriented actors since her political emergence in public. Gustafzon expresses sharp contrasts in the information war she sees herself as a part of, which she says consists of two sides: her allies and her enemies. Over the past two years, Gustafzon herself describes that she has spent time ”exposing false opposition”, which in practice has largely involved spreading accusations and suspicions about actors she herself labels as ”controlled opposition”.

The basis for this is generally sweeping, where she refers to the Wallenberg sphere controlling companies that in turn are said to own as many as 500 TV stations and thereby also controlling media and people within the ”alternative movement”, which she says encompasses a very broad spectrum of people and actors.

Among those who have come under focus for Gustafzon’s outbursts are, for example, the independent foundation Pharos’ social scientists Jacob and Inger Nordangård, Folkets Radio’s journalist Per Shapiro, the online magazine NewsVoice, the Granskning Sverige profile Fabian Fjälling, freelance journalist Ingrid Carlqvist, Knapptryckarnas Ulf Beijerstrand, video blogger Aida Reva, and Swebbtv’s host Mikael Willgert. Even world-famous nature artist Jonna Jinton, who has never expressed herself politically at all, has become the subject of Gustafzon’s suspicions and is also accused of receiving secret financing from the deep state.

Typical post on the Facebook page for ”Cornelia Unfiltered.” Photo: facsimile/Facebook.

Common to those who receive Gustafzon’s criticism, according to her, is that they ”never address the deep state with Wallenberg at the forefront” – and that they do not address the dynamics of the financial system.

”Some of these false prophets are easy to identify mainly by following their diligent work and focusing on what is never addressed. They never address the deep state with Wallenberg at the forefront, they never address debt saturation and the financial system, and they gladly focus on side issues like the pandemic, the vaccine, party politics, immigration, etc”, she declares in Bladet.

Another common denominator for those who face her criticism, Gustafzon says, is that they do not believe as strongly as she does that there are positive organized forces at a high political level that actively counter negative deep state forces.

”According to them, there is no plan, no constellation that counteracts the deep state. NWO/The Great Reset has succeeded. Everyone is with the elite and everything is lost! Learn to identify these people and expose them so that people can wake up to the truth. The focus is that we should be digital warriors, we should awaken people and unite them with truth and love. This is the greatest educational project in the history of the earth and we are making a difference together and we are winning all the time”, she further proclaims.

Cover image for Gustafzon’s project.

The accusations are often severe, where she, when contacted by Nya Dagbladet, firmly claims, for example, that citizen journalist Fabian Fjälling is financed by the notorious currency speculator and globalist George Soros, who according to her is under the control of the Wallenberg family.

I’m not going to reveal my sources, but I can say this: I wouldn’t have gone public with it if I didn’t have evidence for it, she says, adding that she has no obligation to disclose her sources.

On social media, she also tries to portray Fjälling as an advocate for pedophilia by clipping out a single post from a discussion on value relativism and morals – despite the fact that Fjälling’s point was actually the opposite.

Fjälling himself points out in a comment to Nya Dagbladet about the matter that Gustafzon has effectively pulled out one of 230 comments in a debate thread where he argued against value relativism – among other things because if this escalates, it can lead to a situation where one cannot clearly distance oneself even from pedophilia.

The whole argument from my side was that with value relativism as a basis, something as morally reprehensible as pedophilia could gain acceptance. The idea that I would get money from Soros is just so amusing that I can’t even address it, Fjälling summarizes.

In cases where Gustafzon is made aware that her interpretations are incorrect, the standard procedure is to ignore the criticism and to not allow the targets themselves to respond to it.

Immigration criticism ”whips up hate”

When Gustafzon elaborates on her views to Nya Dagbladet’s reporter, she emphasizes, among other things, that she believes many dissidents in Sweden are ”xenophobic”. If these are allowed to ”incite”, as she puts it, this could cause a civil war by ”whipping up hatred between Swedes and immigrants”.

When these people realize that it’s a handful of Swedes who have ruined their country… When they understand that it is these Swedes who have erased my entire village and killed my countrymen and made sure I ended up in exile… Then we should be very glad if they can distinguish that we as a population were not complicit in this.

Immigration-critical actors like the news site Fria Tider and the freelance journalist Ingrid Carlqvist, she also claims, according to her ”secret sources”, are paid by the deep state as an important part of the strategy to ”divide and rule”.

My starting point is that we have a common enemy with those we incite against. This is engineering, men against men, men against women, black against white. This is constructed. Muslims against Christians or Swedes or whatever you want to call it. There are a lot of problems in society, but they have nothing to do with skin color.

She further questions how common it really is for immigrants to start car fires and riots on their own initiative, and speculates that such acts may actually be part of orchestrated destabilization campaigns.

”Dubious origin”

Something else that has been noted is the odd dynamics in the comment sections of Gustafzon’s video publications on YouTube, where the comments resemble cases where there have been automated and/or fake user accounts with the purpose of giving the appearance of widespread support.

Typical comment section under videos on the YouTube channel ”Cornelia Unfiltered.” Photo: facsimile/YouTube.

Folkets Radio’s Per Shapiro, one of the many targets of Cornelia Gustafzon’s activities, personally expresses doubts that the project actually has an organic origin. He points, among other things, to its unreasonable focus. His assessment is that it cannot be ruled out that the project could be an example of an organized operation intended to influence the broad, system-critical environment in Sweden.

If I may speculate a bit, I think that those who coordinate the mudslinging are good at target audience analysis. They likely have experienced marketing specialists on their team. They know that if, for example, DN’s editorial page were to direct criticism at Folkets Radio, it would not have any effect on my loyal followers, because these are people who generally do not trust DN under the current leadership. And some DN readers might even become curious and listen to that ’conspiratorial channel,’ realizing that my programs are not as crazy as claimed. They would thus only risk drawing new listeners to Folkets Radio. So what do they do? They start their own strawman channels instead, targeting the alternative audience, and then throw the mud from that direction, says Shapiro in a comment to Nya Dagbladet.

Follows an international pattern

In an international and historical context, the case of Cornelia Gustafzon is not unique but follows a pattern that recurs in many Western countries among actors who create great confusion among circles of newly-minted social critics and opposition movements.

One of many examples is the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, which ran between the 50s and 70s in the United States and aimed to infiltrate and discredit groups and individuals through subversive methods, as assessed by the intelligence apparatus to threaten established power structures.


Western bloc narrative collapses as salafists take over Syria

The Salafist Islamists in Syria have not only overthrown the secular rule of Bashar al-Bassad, but have also caused a head-on clash between two of the Western bloc's entrenched narratives.

publicerad 15 december 2024
– av Isac Boman
Syria's de facto new leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani.

After 55 years of rule, the al-Assad dynasty was finally overthrown in Syria, a key Middle Eastern country in many ways. A jihadist lightning offensive from the Islamist breakaway region of Idlib made its way all the way into the capital Damascus – without encountering much resistance from the Syrian state military apparatus – seemingly severely hollowed out after more than 13 years of war and sanctions.

If the mainstream establishment media and those in power are to be believed, now is the time to rejoice, arguing that Syria now faces a brighter future, perhaps even a liberal democratic one. Their narrative is that Syria has been a totalitarian and bloody dictatorship for the past few decades, with President Bashar al-Assad one of the world’s worst despots. He has arbitrarily imprisoned, tortured and killed anyone who had the bad judgment to defy him.

In other words, much the same thing we were previously told about Libya’s leader Muammar Gadaffi or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in connection with the US-led wars against them.

The fact that the so-called rebel groups, as was the case in Libya, are not characterized by any liberal democratic orientation at all, but by militant Islamists with roots in the salafist terrorist movements al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Nusra Front, is added in this context as something of a parenthesis.

Narratives colliding

Is the message, then, that not only the Syrian diaspora, but also the people of the world at large, should be filled with hope that Syria is now ruled by the same kind of jihadists who were allegedly behind the September 11 attacks, and who the US-led Western bloc has explained are the reason it has spent countless billions fighting for more than 20 years in Afghanistan?

The leader of Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – the Organization for the Liberation of the Levant – and Syria’s new de facto head of state, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, was previously one of America’s most wanted terrorists, and specifically founded and led Jabhat al-Nusra, which later became the al-Qaeda branch in Syria with the title of emir – an Islamic ruler title. How many lives he already has on his conscience at this point is anyone’s guess.

If the mainstream establishment media and those in power are to be believed, now is the time to rejoice, arguing that Syria now faces a brighter future

The Islamists of the HTS, who have now seized power in most of Syria, have frequently used suicide and car bombings to achieve their political goals, as well as torture, extrajudicial killings and kidnappings. In the terrorist group’s long-standing power base of Idlib, critics and dissenting voices have often disappeared never to be found again, and strict Sharia law prevails.

These circumstances pose great difficulties for how the Western bloc should now publicly relate to the fact that the same kind of militant Islamists, previously condemned and sought for terrorist acts around the world and who established the Islamic State’s reign of terror, have now seized power and replaced the secular rule of Bashar al-Assad’s socialist Baath Party.

Moderate Islamists?

Since the history of HTS and al-Julani cannot be denied or hidden, the initial narrative seems to be that they were indeed Islamist terrorists in the past, but have now actually pledged repentance to move in a more “modern” and moderate direction. Old youthful sins, you might say, and surely everyone deserves a second chance – even if they have massacred civilians in the past?

Or as Jake Sullivan, national security advisor in the Biden administration, puts it.

The rebel groups, including the ones that have been designated as terrorist groups, have actually said all the right things, now the question is – what will they do to try to bring about a better Syria”.

The HTS itself has taken the same line, declaring that it has no intention of establishing a larger, multi-country totalitarian caliphate – but will be content to establish a more modest Islamist regime in Syria.

This approach is expressed in particular by outgoing US President Joe Biden, who describes the takeover as a “historic opportunity”, as well as Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, who also described the Islamist transfer of power as a “historic day” that “offers great opportunities”.

Biden and Israeli President Isaac Herzog. Photo: Hana Yariv/CC BY-SA 3.0

Other politicians and media outlets within the Western bloc are trying, with varying degrees of success, to convince their audiences that HTS may indeed technically be considered Islamists – but are certainly not as fundamentalistically Islamist as ISIS or al-Qaeda – however that is measured.

The cynical power play

The real reason why the salafists in Syria are being wrapped in cotton wool in this way is apparently far more cynical and pragmatic than they want to pretend. As far as those in power in the West are concerned, it does not matter in practice that the HTS are not and have no intention of becoming liberals or any other kind of democrats. On the contrary, they must be well aware that the group intends to turn Syria into an Islamist state based on harsh interpretations of Sharia law, where human rights mean nothing and where any opposition or critical voices can coldly expect to be killed or thrown into prison never to see the light of day again. But even this is of little consequence, as what matters is that the jihadists’ advance is seen to benefit the economic and geopolitical interests of the United States and Israel in the region – while disadvantaging Iran and Russia.

Rather, the hope is probably that Syria now has a leader who, unlike Bashar al-Assad, actually dances to the tune of the globalists. It should be noted, of course, that these groups are not always easy to dominate, and sometimes, on their own, come up with antics that are not appreciated by the same establishment – which is why it is not entirely unlikely that the spin doctors behind the narratives in the West will tomorrow conclude that they were probably dangerous Islamist terrorists after all, and that another regime change is therefore needed – perhaps even the intervention of Israel and NATO country Turkey to sort out the situation.

In any case, with the future still uncertain, we are now expected to applaud the overthrow of the Baath Party and President al-Assad by the heroic and righteous rebels – who should certainly not be confused with previous versions of themselves or held responsible for the terror and crimes they have committed, at least not at this stage.

The Taliban originated as the US-backed Mujaheddin fighters against the Soviet-backed regime in Kabul, but would later turn on their masters. Photo: facisimile/Youtube

Anyone who has been around for a while understands that Syria is by no means a unique case. In 2007, the American general Wesley Clarks gave a famous testimony that the political regime in the United States had a stated goal as early as 2001 to see the state power in seven countries overthrown, starting with Iraq, followed by Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally – Iran. After Syria, only an isolated Lebanon and Iran remain.

The real actors of big politics, cynically pushing their lines behind the scenes, have shown over the years that they have no other principle than to strengthen their power on the global stage like a mafia organization. Whether it uses sanctions, subversion and the occasional bat in the form of Salafist Islamists, violent left-wing extremist movements, right-wing paramilitary units or militias with child soldiers is secondary.

As usual, the people suffer. The secular Arab population in particular, and especially the Shiite Alawite minority, from which the al-Assad family originates, are likely to face a bleak future in the new Syria that now awaits them.


Isac Boman

Editorial: Who prepares us for peace?

The Sweden-NATO relationship

Judging by the NATO Secretary General, Western leaders seem increasingly intent on escalating to an unimaginable full-scale war with Russia. It is a disastrous path that they have embarked on, demonstrating the desperate need to strengthen the voices for long-term solutions based on dialogue and diplomacy rather than on bombs and incitement.

publicerad 17 februari 2024
– av Markus Andersson
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a press conference in Sweden.

The rhetoric of the Western establishment is becoming more strident and belligerent with each passing month. The propaganda effort to gain public support for a fatal war with Russia seems to be getting more and more intense.

About a month ago, several Swedish leaders declared that Swedes must now ”mentally prepare” for war with Russia, while the Minister of Civil Affairs called for ”total resistance”.

Similar messages have been conveyed around the same time by European politicians and senior officials in other European countries.

A strong basic preparedness and a defence force that has the capacity to secure the country’s borders is of course nothing strange, but a normal state of affairs in every normally functioning nation state. In the same way, it is of course perfectly natural for most citizens to defend themselves if they are invaded. This could have applied to Sweden as well, had it not been for the fact that our rulers have spent half a century systematically disarming and weakening the Swedish defense.

Now, our hope lies instead with NATO, and NATO alone, it is argued – a military alliance led by a United States that has become far more notorious over the years for its long list of coups and wars of aggression than for thoughtful defense.

The doomsday scenario is getting closer

With NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declaring that citizens must ”prepare for a confrontation that could last for decades”, rearm, increase arms production and intensify military support to Ukraine, it is clear that war is seen as the only possible way forward.

The ”Russian aggression” risks spreading to Europe, and more countries could be invaded if Ukraine falls, they say. Therefore, Stoltenberg argues, it is necessary to play hardball and for NATO countries to increase militarization in a way not seen since the Cold War.

”NATO does not seek war with Russia”, Stoltenberg promises, but it is not clear what efforts are actually being made to bring about constructive talks, dialogue and a lasting peace in Europe. It is highly unclear whether any such sincere attempts are being made at all, especially when Vladimir Putin himself says that he has had no direct contact even with the US President since the outbreak of the war.

It is perfectly possible to be highly critical of Putin’s actions, the war in Ukraine, and to sincerely regret the immense human suffering it has caused – while at the same time easily realizing that a major European war will benefit no one. Apart from the military-industrial complex and other similar actors in the most obscure corridors of global power politics.

What is clear is that such a war will inevitably lead to millions of dead Europeans, a humanitarian disaster on par with that suffered during World War II – and moreover a situation that potentially risks escalating to the magnitude that one of the parties decides to use a number of the nuclear weapons they have in abundance and which have the potential to actually destroy Europe as we know it.

A doomsday scenario, to be sure, but nevertheless a scenario that is creeping ever closer and has unfortunately become much more likely today than it was five, ten or 20 years ago.

The path of war

The perception in the West seems to be that Russia must be bombarded into submission and that this is the solution to the conflict in the region. Hand in hand with this is the notion that Russia is a ’no-talk state’. Both of these tenets are incredibly dangerous and drive us closer to a confrontation where no one has anything to gain, except those who actually want Europe, the US and Russia to burn together in an unimaginable inferno.

In today’s Western debate, there is an almost complete absence of serious voices that instead put forward strategies on how to end the fighting and strengthen peace in Europe; voices that are given the space to remind us that dialogue diplomacy is the way forward towards a better world and that it is not in Europe’s interest to ”fight to the last European” or to sacrifice its sons, brothers and fathers on the altar of big politics, as the Ukrainian people have already been sacrificed. Unfortunately, our leaders do not seem interested in listening to these increasingly rare voices. The path they have chosen is that of warmongering – and above all that of the United States.

Which parties win in each European country’s parliament also seems to be of limited importance, as most have so far been willing to let their foreign policy be dictated by the US.

The power must again be subordinated to the interests of the people and peace. There is a long way to go, but the only way to get there is to do what we can to be heard and to empower those who have the integrity to say no to the madness, in every possible way. Strengthening and supporting truly independent media is one such way.


Markus Andersson

Comment: For whom should the Swedish people go to war?

The Sweden-NATO relationship

After 200 years of peace, every Swede is now suddenly being ordered to 'mentally prepare' for war by Sweden's commander-in-chief and government. It all seems very strange and would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. What exactly has happened?

publicerad 10 januari 2024
– av Markus Andersson
Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén, Minister of Defense Pål Jonsson and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
This is an opinion piece. The author is responsible for the views expressed in the article.

The last time Sweden was really at war was in 1814 during the short campaign against Norway. Since then, more than two centuries have passed and, apart from a few missions in the Third World under the UN flag or NATO leadership, we have avoided being militarily involved in the major conflicts and wars. On the contrary, it is our non-alignment and the principle of neutrality that is highlighted globally. Even though war-mongering forces have of course often made accusations of cowardice, it was definitely clear that Sweden was a country that actually worked for peace and dialogue – not for war and escalation.

Recently, the situation has become diametrically opposed. For example, our Commander-in-Chief recently announced that all Swedes must be ”ready” for war – ”down to the individual level mentally preparing” for aggression.

It’s not ”pitch black” yet, Micael Bydén adds, but he believes that the situation is extremely serious and that what is happening in Ukraine could also happen in Sweden – and that this is something that all citizens and society as a whole must now prepare for.

It has been well over 200 years since battles took place on Swedish territory, and since then, through determination, we have managed to avoid being involved in two bloody world wars. Now, in 2024, according to ÖB, we are suddenly facing a potentially imminent invasion.

The whole situation seems very strange. What is it that has prompted this sudden threat of war?

Accountability of Swedish politicians

What could Sweden, historically so peaceful and diplomatically successful, have done to cause the outside world (read: Russia) to consider us a threat to the extent that, according to our leaders, they might consider invading the country?

For decades, Swedish leaders have systematically and purposefully chosen to dismantle and disarm not only the Swedish military – but also civil defense and crisis preparedness in general. Stocks and reserves have been emptied, discarded and demolished. Nor has there been any ambition to keep the population equipped, strong and prepared in the event of crisis and war – rather the opposite has been sought.

When crisis and times of unrest (real or created) in Europe have subsequently become reality, it has been a simple matter for the power establishment to persuade the majority of citizens that Sweden stands no chance in the event of conflict. The solution sold is that the big, strong USA and NATO will come and ”protect” us. Peace activists’ main criticism of Sweden’s increasingly close ties to the US is that it represents a fundamental departure from traditional Swedish non-alignment.

The popularly unsupported engagement with the US and NATO is widely claimed to strengthen Swedish security, while many point out that it has in fact had the exact opposite effect.

It is hardly far-fetched that the alleged threat of war is linked to the fact that Swedish authorities have decided to allow foreign soldiers and weapons systems onto Swedish soil. At present, there is not even a guarantee that American nuclear weapons are not already deployed in Sweden. In short, the country’s fate is now in the hands of others (read: the US) when it comes to existential decisions of fundamental importance to our future.

Infantile explanatory models

Instead of bluntly urging people to ”prepare for war”, perhaps the Chief of Staff, the Minister of Defense, the Prime Minister and others could take the time to answer the question why? Why do our leaders suddenly find it uninteresting to engage in any kind of dialogue, cooperation and peace in the region?

Are they asking the Swedish people to settle for the same infantile model of explanation used so many times before in history, such as in connection with the American-orchestrated attacks on Iraq, Libya and Syria – where Vladimir Putin, after Saddam Hussein, Moammar Ghaddaffi and Bashar Al-Assad, is now described as the next irrational Disney villain to destroy?

For which interests are we supposed to be ready to sacrifice our lives? The question is particularly relevant to ask because it is not in the interest of Swedes or Sweden to go to war, but unfortunately it seems to be in the interest of the Swedish rulers. Unfortunately, it has been a long time since these two interests had anything to do with each other, which now seriously puts the security of the people at stake – at least if you listen to the leaders themselves.


Markus Andersson

Here is the new mega-city being built outside Beijing

The modern China

  • In 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced plans to build a brand new city to house as many as 5.6 million people to relieve the pressure on the capital Beijing.
  • Nya Dagbladet was one of the first foreign media to visit the futuristic Xiong'an - a city described as a glimpse into the future of China.
publicerad 29 december 2023
– av Markus Andersson
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Xiong'an montage
Xiong'an security checkpoint
Xiong'an police checkpoint
Xiong'an model
Xiong'an telecom center model
The Xiong'an telecom center under construction
Guide shows the construction plan
Xiong'an model round central building
Xiong'an construction site view
Xiong'an another construction site
Xiong'an construction site
Xiong'an construction site
Xiong'an self-driving bus
Xiong'an bus interior monitored
Xiong'an bus interior panel
Xiong'an everyday life awakening
Xiong'an roads
Xiong'an city intersection
Xiong'an bus central
Xiong'an Isac guided tour wetlands
Xiong'an newly built complexes
Xiong'an welcoming delegation
Xiong'an reception center
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Xiong'an montage
Xiong'an security checkpoint
Xiong'an police checkpoint
Xiong'an model
Xiong'an telecom center model
The Xiong'an telecom center under construction
Guide shows the construction plan
Xiong'an model round central building
Xiong'an construction site view
Xiong'an another construction site
Xiong'an construction site
Xiong'an construction site
Xiong'an self-driving bus
Xiong'an bus interior monitored
Xiong'an bus interior panel
Xiong'an everyday life awakening
Xiong'an roads
Xiong'an city intersection
Xiong'an bus central
Xiong'an Isac guided tour wetlands
Xiong'an newly built complexes
Xiong'an welcoming delegation
Xiong'an reception center
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